Laser engraver
Made by creators just like you
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Robin AschmannThe LE400PLUS is great for cutting wood up to 5 mm in one pass but i recommend using an air assist for better quality a smoke extraction system a gas mask and the laser safety glasses included in delivery.
Will-Review4uWhen this laser engraver was arrived, we had everything we needed to get started. I started with some round wood pieces I already owned and discovered that the software for this engraver was really user-friendly.
Dead-lineZusammen mit dem gratis Programm Laser Grbl ist der Laser jeden Cent wert. Ich habe schon Steine, Kekse, Holz, Glas und Kork gelasert. Alles lief super.
Bob ArizonaThis is my second KentockTool laser engraver. I was so pleased with my LE400 5watt that I decided to also purchase the 10 watt version for my commercial applications.